Measures have ranks from 0 to 100. Measures with a higher rank (closer to 100) indicate more community-level assets or obstacles to mental wellness, based on their respective directionality. Measure value corrsponds to the exact value in the data, corresponding to the measure description. For more information, please see `MWI Measures and Data` in the MWI Toolkit.
Weights used in the Mental Wellness Index control the relative influence each measure has on the total MWI; higher numbers inidcate a higher influence. If you adjust the weights to 0, a measure has no influence on the MWI. You can also use this page to rank a subset of ZIP Codes against each other.
To adjust the weights or change the ZIP Codes used in the Mental Wellness Index, follow the instructions below. If you want to add your own data to the MWI, go to the "Add Local Data to MWI" section. Note that data uploaded to this application is not kept -- it is deleted once you leave the page, including any processing done to it.
To create your own Mental Wellness Index with your own local data, follow the instructions below to create your own MWI for your community below by adjusting weights and adding your own data and metadata. If you only want to adjust the weights in the MWI, go to the "Adjust MWI Weights" section. Note that data uploaded to this application is not kept -- it is deleted once you leave the page, including any processing done to it. However, if you would like to keep your data on your computer while creating the MWI, please see the "Add Local Data to MWI on Your Computer" section. NOTE: file upload is currently experiencing issues on the website. In the meantime, you can explore your custom MWI on your local computer by following steps 1 - 7 on the "Add Local Data to Mental Wellness Index (MWI) On Your Computer" page under "Create Your Own MWI".
If you want to keep your data on your computer, follow the instructions below to create your own MWI for your community by adjusting weights and adding your own data and metadata.