About Us

The MITRE Social Justice Platform
MITRE’s mission-driven teams are dedicated to solving problems for a safer world. The Social Justice Platform brings together our systems engineering approach and insights gained from working across government, industry and academia to provide tools and resources that help stakeholders plan, create and sustain equitable communities.
Users have access to data, tools, and frameworks that allow them to model policies and programs and explore impacts on health, social, and economic outcomes. Our equity-driven design thinking helps decision-makers identify what drives disparities in government and community programs. The Platform’s Insights then help stakeholders design scalable solutions to implement lasting change.
The Social Justice Platform convenes a broad set of voices and resources across disciplines as we partner with non-profit organizations, academic institutions, state, federal and local governments to expand impact and accelerate solutions.
We welcome partners whose data, insights, tools, and knowledge address disparities experienced by underserved populations.

Our Partners

March of Dimes logo
March of Dimes
March of Dimes logo
Cyber Texas Foundation
March of Dimes logo
Aspen institute
USTA logo
University of Texas,
San Antonio
ORAU logo
Oak Ridge Associated

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is MITRE?
The MITRE Corporation solves problems for a safer world. We discover new possibilities through objective insight and trusted access that brings data to decisions. We create unexpected opportunities from a unique vantage point working across the whole of government to freely adapt proven strategies to new challenges. We lead by pioneering together for the public good, bringing innovative ideas into existence.

To learn more, please visit our Corporate Overview.
How do we define social justice?
We define “social justice” as equitable access to wealth, resources, opportunities, and privileges within society.
What is the purpose of the Social Justice Platform?
Our vision is to empower decision-makers at all levels with actionable resources to create and scale equitable, sustainable solutions that bring positive change for a more just society. We aim to achieve this vision by providing data, tools, and frameworks that help those we serve develop outcome-driven solutions that address social, economic, and health inequities.
How can I get involved?
We’d love to hear from you! Please visit the Contribute section of our site to find out how you can work with us.
People standing together facing the camera
MITRE has been instrumental in our approach to tackling racial and economic injustice. Any successes we have in working to eliminate racial inequities will always be connected to MITRE and the platform you’ve designed to address inequity.
Brian McClure, PhD
Director, Council Office of Racial Equity, Council of the District of Columbia



Implicit Bias?

Get smart on social justice terms.